Selamat hari raya
Today is 18 Syawal. Alhamdulillah, I have replaced the 3 days I missed in Ramadhan. We had a great raya. On the eve, we were in Melaka then on the first day in Ulu Yam. Second day back to Melaka. Third day was a 'rest' day then fourth, fifth and sixth raya in Taiping. All that traveling took its toll. Had to replace the rear tyres as they were balder than the bald eagle.
Here is Sarah in her dino-kurung on Merdeka eve at her tadika. They had a merdeka dance and parade in the hall. I traced an image of a dinosaur, cut it out on felt and sewed in on. After all that I discovered a shop that sells iron-on dinosaur patches. Sigh!