Selamat Hari Raya Haji
At 38 I finally saw my first lembu korban live, up close and personal being sacrificed. It was the first for Reza and Sarah too. Sarah admitted later that she felt like puking when she saw the jugular being cut and when the blood spurted out 3 feet high.
I guess real life blood really cannot beat horror movies. It was so funny how she casually mentioned it in the car on the way home.
Here is a list of the dishes we feasted on:
- ketupat
- rendang kerang
- sambal tumis udang
- kari ayam
- asam pedas kembung
- sambal tumis ikan
- ikan goreng
- ikan masin
- kacang goreng tempe
- sambal mempelam
- nasi putih
- lemang
- rendang daging
- oranges
- watermelon
- tapai
- coffee/tea/cordial
These was served in one house over the course of 5 hours. In between waiting for the tok sidang, filming the korban and for the meat to be cut up, we just ate, ate and ate.
Syukur Alhamdulillah the korban went well and we were able to witness it.
November Already?
We had a quiet anniversary on the 26th of October.
Sarah took this photo of us. We took a drive and ended up at a mall (where else!).
School holidays around the corner. Have to plan what to do with Sarah to keep her occupied.
I can only think of swimming and taking her to parks for bike rides for now. Wish me luck.