
My Photo
Location: PJ, Selangor, Malaysia

Mom, foodie, mall-rat.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

I am sailing...

Am at the 29 weeks stage now. Baby did a massive flip last night so he is head down now, just in time for my check up this morning. He might still flip a few more times doctor said. He is 1.8kg now while my weight is the same at 92 kg. What?! Yes, 92kg. No joke. Have cut down on rice, only small portions at breakfast and lunch. Dinner is soup, sandwich or salad. Nothing heavy.

Had a panic attack last night. The thought of the whole labour process just gave me the chills. Just took deep breaths and did some stretching to get my mind off it. Not bought anything for the baby yet. So far only bought a nursing top for myself.