Al Fatihah - Rustam A. Sani

He is survived by his wife, Rohani, son Azrani, daughter Ariani and grandaughter Arissa.
To me he was a kind, loving, doting grandfather to Arissa who is 2 weeks older than Sarah. I met him at family gatherings and most recent was Arissa's 3rd birthday party at the Lake Club. I still can't believe he is gone.
Reza went to pay his respects and was there until the burial. He said Azrani was in a daze and Auntie Rohani was inconsolable. I cannot imagine their pain and sadness.
Salha was very close to him and from what she told me of him, he was a good man of great intellect.
For more of his thoughts and views, go to
Allah knows best. Amin.