She will be loved
My beloved grandmother passed away on the 12th of February 2011 in Perth, Australia. She would have turned 84 in May.
I remember her as a very energetic woman, always busy, never sitting still. My earliest memory of her was when I was 5 or 6. At that time we lived in Kuching where my dad was stationed (he was in the army). My grandparents house was on Arang Road and they had a dairy farm then. She would wear her black rubber boots, milk the cows then come to the kitchen and cook a huge meal.
I remember going to her room where she had a huge bolster which I loved playing with. She was always kind and ever the indulgent grandparent. She always made sure I try to speak Hakka with her as much as possible.
I last spoke to her a week before Christmas. She sounded well. We spoke with a mixture of English, Hakka and Malay. At that time my mum had already said that my Popo was sickly but her spirits were still high. Am glad I managed to chat to her.
The photo above was taken in September 2005 when Sarah, my mum and I visited her in Perth. I will always remember her as she was in that photo.
She will be loved. Always.
Rabbity New Year & Old Friends
The year of the rabbit has begun. Sarah and I went to 1Utama in the evening of the 1st day and was rewarded with a lion dance. Sarah is a massive fan of lion dances despite the loud din. Told her the loud music is to chase away the bad spirits. She still stuck her fingers in both ear throughout the 20 minute performance.The week before, I met up with old college buddies from Edinburgh. We are always in touch via a group forum on Google but since D was back from UK, one of us suggested Myra host a makan-makan at her place in Klang. So that was where 7 of us ended up on a rainy Sunday afternoon. It was a potluck do. I brought nasi ulam and sambal belacan.
Myra (actually her mum) cooked lamb cutlets (with the best gravy ever) and prepared salad. Apidah cooked hailam mee (Sarah's favourite) and Nani brought bread pudding which was the fastest to disappear. Has brought chips which went well while we chit-chatted after eating main courses and dessert. Noora brought oranges which at first Nani and I thought were buns from a bakery. As usual when we get together, we get very kecoh (noisy) but it was fun catching up seeing all the kids growing.
(seated on sofa L to R are Apidah, Khadijah, Noora and Has; seated on the floor are Myra (L) and Nani (R) with yours truly perched furthest on the right)