Open house
I went to open houses during Raya where the food was superb but below were what peeved me big time:
- polystyrene bowls and cups
- no mineral water/plain water in sight (brought my own from second house onwards)
- portions served too small or like one house, the hostess ran out of rice - honestly!
- food not heated up properly
- cheap tasting cookies
That is why any Raya cookies given to me will be brought to the office for those who don't mind them. When I open my house I make sure the guests eat off proper plates, glasses and have A LOT of food for seconds and thirds. If you are not generous enough then don't have one.
- polystyrene bowls and cups
- no mineral water/plain water in sight (brought my own from second house onwards)
- portions served too small or like one house, the hostess ran out of rice - honestly!
- food not heated up properly
- cheap tasting cookies
That is why any Raya cookies given to me will be brought to the office for those who don't mind them. When I open my house I make sure the guests eat off proper plates, glasses and have A LOT of food for seconds and thirds. If you are not generous enough then don't have one.